Speaker illustration

Professor Ana Moya

Cardiovascular Research Center Aalst, Aalst (Belgium)

Member of:

Heart Failure Association

Reclassification of patients with stage 2 or higher severe aortic valve stenosis based on left atrial reservoir strain

Event: EuroEcho-Imaging 2024

Topic: Valvular Heart Disease

Session: More on aortic stenosis


Myocardial work assessment for immediate changes in left ventricular function and survival analysis after transcatheter aortic valve replacement

Event: Heart Failure 2024

Topic: Intervention

Session: Improving prognosis in aortic valve disease


Combined TEER and TAVR in patient with severe MR and AS

Event: Heart Failure 2023

Topic: Valvular Heart Disease

Session: Valvular heart disease 2


Myocardial work for LV function assessment in severe AS patients undergoing TAVR

Event: Heart Failure 2023

Topic: Imaging

Session: Chronic heart failure - imaging 1


Prognostic value of baseline wasted myocardial work and serum troponines in severe AS patients referred for TAVR

Event: Heart Failure 2023

Topic: Epidemiology, Prognosis, Outcome

Session: Valvular heart disease


Myocardial work analysis for early detection of type 1 CTRCD and patient risk stratification

Event: ESC Congress 2022

Topic: Cardiotoxicity of Drugs and Other Therapies

Session: Chroninc heart failure - Comorbidities


Global longitudinal strain and NT-proBNP as predictors for LV function recovery after TAVR

Event: ESC Congress 2022

Topic: Aortic Valve Stenosis

Session: Predictors of outcomes in transcatheter aortic valve replacement


Additive value of soluble ST2 to NT-proBNP for more accurate patient risk stratification and long-term survival prediction after TAVI

Event: Heart Failure 2022

Topic: Epidemiology, Prognosis, Outcome

Session: Heart Failure ePosters - focus on Valvular Heart Disease & Interventional Cardiology


Role of myocardial work index in early detection of cardiotoxicity in breast cancer patient

Event: ESC Congress 2021 - The Digital Experience

Topic: Imaging

Session: Acute heart failure e-posters


Myocardial work index: a novel tool for detection of early cardiotoxicity in breast cancer patient

Event: EACVI - Best of Imaging 2020

Topic: Imaging of Heart Failure

Session: ePoster session
