Speaker illustration

Doctor Ida Jane Whiteman

Monash Health, Melbourne (Australia)

Ida is a paediatric cardiology fellow at Monash Children's Hospital in Melbourne. She is specialising in paediatric cardiology with a focus on rheumatic heart disease and global health. Specifically, she is passionate about reducing the rates of rheumatic heart disease among Indigenous Australian children, and previously worked in the Northern Territory for a year. Ida completed her Masters in International Health and Tropical Medicine at the University of Oxford (Balliol College) in 2018, with two academic scholarships, including the national Australian General Sir John Monash Scholarship. Her masters thesis focussed on rheumatic heart disease in Jaffna, Sri Lanka. Ida has previously worked in volunteer and educational roles in Malawi, Zimbabwe, Papua New Guinea, Nepal and East Timor.

16-year-old female with right atrial thrombus two years after uncomplicated atrial septal defect repair.

Event: ESC Congress 2019

Topic: Noncoronary Cardiac Intervention

Session: Holes in the heart
