Speaker illustration

Doctor Juho Heliste

University of Turku, Turku (Finland)

Juho Heliste is a medical doctor, graduated in 2016, working currently mainly as a PhD student in University of Turku and in collaboration in University of Helsinki. His research focuses on molecular aspects of ischemic heart disease and heart failure. In his projects, he screens for novel druggable targets and genetic markers of these diseases. In addition to research work, he is a partner and part-time medical advisor at Abomics Ltd., a company working with clinical implementation of pharmacogenetics. He also works part-time as a general practitioner and has plans on specializing in internal medicine. He has also been a member for several years in a developmental coordination project ran in Nepal, aiming to strengthen the capabilities of basic health care on mental health issues.

A novel exonic variant in TRIM55 gene predisposes to heart failure

Event: ESC Congress 2019

Topic: Heart Failure

Session: Signaling in heart failure
