Speaker illustration

Doctor Soter Ameh

Faculty of Medicine, University of Calabar, Calabar (Nigeria)

Soter Ameh is a Field Epidemiologist and Public Health Specialist. He is an Associate Professor in the Department of Community Medicine, University of Calabar, Nigeria. Soter is a Visiting Scientist and Scholar with the Bernard Lown Scholars Program in cardiovascular health in the Department of Global Health and Population, Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health (HSPH), Boston, U.S.A. Soter’s current research focuses on interventions to strengthen health systems, specifically primary care, for the management and control of chronic non-communicable diseases in low- and middle-income countries. Soter and other Lown Scholars are collaborating with the HSPH to set up Lown Community Health Centers in Nigeria and other LMICs that will provide affordable and quality primary care using the concept of social entrepreneurship. His research findings have been presented at international conferences and published in peered-reviewed journals. Soter loves to play the keyboard and badminton.

Predictors of controlled CD4 count and blood pressure in an integrated chronic disease management model in a rural South African setting

Event: ESC Congress 2019

Topic: Public Health

Session: Costs in different public health settings
