Speaker illustration

Doctor Didier IRLES

Hospital of Annecy, Metz Tessy (France)

Dr Didier IRLES is a cardiovascular and cardiac electrophysiology specialist, working in the Hospital of Annecy, France. He provides inpatient and outpatient care, and performs invasive electrophysiology procedures (pacemaker and ICD implantations, catheter ablation) at Annecy Hospital. He has also graduated in sport cardiology and is responsible for the sport cardiology department in Annecy Hospital. Coordinating the french multi center study STIM TAVI, Dr IRLES developed a particular interest in the field of the management of conductive disorders after TAVI.

Evolution of atrioventricular conduction disorders after TAVI

Event: ESC Congress 2019

Topic: Antibradycardia Pacing

Session: Surgical therapy in arrhythmia
