Speaker illustration

Doctor Andrea Fernandez Valledor

Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)

Complex decisions in a young male with severe cardiac and digestive chagas disease in a non-endemic area.

Event: Heart Failure 2021

Topic: Clinical

Session: Clinical Cases: Chronic Heart Failure and Comorbidities


Long-term follow-up of patients with Chagas cardiomyopathy living in a non-endemic area: moving towards identification of early markers of disease progression

Event: ESC Congress 2020

Topic: Chagas’ Disease

Session: Myocardial Disease ePosters


Reversible heart right failure. Pulmonary hypertension induced by Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors

Event: EuroEcho 2019

Topic: Imaging of Heart Failure

Session: Imaging: Heart Failure


May early myocardial involvement detection in chagas disease have a prognosis impact?

Event: ESC Congress 2019

Topic: Chagas’ Disease

Session: Inflammatory and infiltrative cardiomyopathy


Implantable defibrillator device in survivors of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest without acute coronary syndrome: is it always necessary?

Event: Acute Cardiovascular Care 2019

Topic: Device Treatment

Session: Arrhythmias, Syncope and Bradycardia and Ventricular Arrhythmias and Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD)
