Speaker illustration

Doctor Philippe Debonnaire

AZ Sint Jan, Brugge (Belgium)

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology

Philippe Debonnaire (MD, PhD, FESC) graduated in 2011 as cardiologist at Leuven University (Belgium), obtained a Master degree in Sports Medicine and then performed non-invasive cardiac imaging doctoral research at Leiden University Medical Hospital, the Netherlands, supported by an ESC Research Grant. He obtained a PhD degree in 2016, promoted by Prof Jeroen Bax and co-promoted by Prof Victoria Delgado and Prof Nina Ajmone Marsan. Since 2013 he works as cardiologist in Sint-Jan Hospital Bruges (Belgium). His clinical and scientific focus remains on (advanced) echocardiographic techniques (3D, strain, stress, TOE) for the diagnosis, management and therapeutic interventional guiding of patients with valvular disease, cardiomyopathies (amyloidosis) or other structural heart problems, with ongoing publications. He is BWGNICI president and former EACVI HIT and Education Committee board member, responsible for the echocardiography imaging fellowship in his centre.

Deep dive in valvular heart disease (Voting session)

Event: EuroEcho 2021

Topic: Valvular Heart Disease

Session type: Case-Based Session


‘The winter is coming…’: the most challenging complications in interventional echocardiography

Event: EuroEcho 2021

Topic: Valvular Heart Disease

Session type: Case-Based Session
