Speaker illustration

Professor Fabio Anastasio Recchia

Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa (Italy)

I obtained my MD and PhD degrees in Italy, where I also completed a residency in Anesthesiology and Intensive Care. Subsequently I received post-doctoral training in cardiovascular physiology and pathophysiology in the US, where I worked for 23 years raising to the rank of Professor. I am currently a Professor of Physiology at the Scuola Sant'Anna of Advanced Studies in Pisa, Italy. I also hold an Adjunct Faculty position at the Lewis Kat School of Medicine, Temple University in Philadelphia. My main research interests are cardiac metabolism and gene therapy for cardiac repair and for my studies I utilize large animal models.

Mitochondrion-driven cardiac metabolism and function

Event: Frontiers in CardioVascular Biomedicine 2022

Topic: Metabolism

Session type: Symposium


Moderated poster 10 - Heart Failure

Event: Frontiers in CardioVascular Biomedicine 2022

Topic: Basic Science

Session type: Moderated Posters
