Careggi University Hospital (AOUC), Florence (Italy)
Valentina Scheggi was borne in Florence, Italy on 26th September 1976. She graduated in Medicine from Florence University in July 2001 and specialized in Internal Medicine in October 2006. She got the certification from SIECVI in echocardiography in 2006 and in echo stress in 2010. She worked as medical doctor in a cardiological rehabilitation institute from 2006 to 2008. She worked as emergency physician at the emergency department of the Florence University Hospital from 2008 to 2012, when she began to work in the cardiologic and peri-operative Internal Medicine department of the same Hospital, where she still works. During the last 5 years this department increased the collaboration with the cardiosurgical one, allowing her to gain a great experience in the clinical management and echocardiographic evaluation of cardiosurgical patients.