Speaker illustration

Miss Klaske Rynke Siegersma

Amsterdam University Medical Centre, Amsterdam (Netherlands (The))

Misclassification of sex by deep neural networks reveals novel ECG characteristics that explain a higher risk of mortality in women and in men

Event: ESC Congress 2021 - The Digital Experience

Topic: Big Data Analysis

Session: Highlights from the Young in digital health


ARGUS Hackathon: Development of a machine learning algorithm to exclude coronary macro- and microvascular disease in a clinical care dataset.

Event: Digital Health 2019

Topic: m-Health & Mobile Apps

Session: Artificial Intelligence 2


Development of a decision support tool to predict outcome of coronary CT calcium score and angiography: Study Design and Data Preparation

Event: Digital Health 2019

Topic: m-Health & Mobile Apps

Session: Artificial Intelligence 1


Prediction of the risk of valve surgery and adverse events in patients with aortic stenosis: myocardial tissue characterization with radiomics

Event: ESC Congress 2018

Topic: Aortic Valve Stenosis

Session: New predictors of outcome in valve disease


Discrimination of fibrotic myocardium from healthy myocardium patients with aortic stenosis: a radiomics approach with machine learning models

Event: ESC Congress 2018

Topic: Late Gadolinium Enhancement

Session: Late gadolinium enhancement and viability
