Speaker illustration

Doctor Arno Roest

Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden (Netherlands (The))

Born and raised in the Netherlands, Arno AW Roest, MD, PhD (1974) finished his medical school in 2003 at the Leiden University. He received his training in pediatric cardiology at the Center for Congenital heart disease Amsterdam Leiden. Currently he works as a senior paediatric cardiologist at the Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands. Furthermore, he is deputy head of the Willem-Alexander Children's Hospital at Leiden. After finishing medical school he started his research line in non-invasive imaging that resulted in his PhD on Exercise CMR in patients after Fallot repair and atrial switch repair for transposition of the great arteries. He now is a principal investigator of the research line on non-invasive imaging in congenital heart disease in close collaboration with the Department of Radiology. Current focus is on the application of 4 dimensional flow CMR in the assessment of cardiovascular flow patterns in CHD-patients

Advanced Course IV (jointly organised with EAPC and the ESC Working Group on GUCH)

Event: EuroCMR 2017

Topic: Cardiac Magnetic Resonance

Session type: Teaching Course
