Speaker illustration

Professor Carmine Dario Vizza

Sapienza University of Rome, Rome (Italy)

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology

Carmine Dario Vizza is full professor in Cardiology at Sapienza University of Rome.

Effect of a short course of parenteral treprostinil therapy on right heart structure and function in pulmonary arterial hypertension

Event: ESC Congress 2023

Topic: Pulmonary Hypertension

Session: Current treatment of pulmonary hypertension: it is all about vasodilators


When the right heart fails because of rising right ventricular afterload: aggressive afterload lowering with upfront triple therapy including parenteral prostacyclin

Event: ESC Congress 2023

Topic: Treatment

Session: Pulmonary hypertension & acute arrhythmias are cardiac care challenges. How to effectively treat them with drugs


2015 Pulmonary hypertension Guidelines - Clinical practice in Italy

Event: ESC Congress 2016

Topic: Chronic pulmonary hypertension

Session: 2015 Pulmonary hypertension Guidelines in Italy
