Speaker illustration

Doctor Anastasia S Mihailidou

Royal North Shore Hospital, St Leonards (Australia)

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology

Dr Anastasia Mihailidou completed her PhD in cardiovascular pharmacology and is currently Senior Hospital Scientist who runs the Diagnostic Service for 24-Hour Ambulatory BP Monitoring. Anastasia also engages in both biomedical and clinical research as Head of the Cardiovascular & Hormonal Research Laboratory, Kolling Institute and Honorary Associate Professor, Macquarie University. Anastasia is recognized for her research into the regulation of corticosteroid receptors (MR) in the heart as well as her expertise for accurate blood pressure measurement with revising the Australian Guidelines for AMBP and implementing an online training module for standardizing clinical measurement of blood pressure. Her expertise and contribution is recognized with the Lancet appointing her as one of the Commissioners for their Commission on Cardiovascular Disease in Women.

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Spotlight on innovation: top publications in the European Heart Journal - Digital Health 2023-2024

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Device-based hypertension therapies: third pillar in hypertension management?

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Challenging cases in hypertension

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Topic: Clinical

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Why is everybody talking about AI chatbots like ChatGPT?

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Topic: e-Cardiology/Digital Health

Session type: Symposium


Hypertension phenotypes and arterial stiffness

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Topic: Diagnostic Methods

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Hypertension in high-risk populations

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Topic: Pathophysiology and Mechanisms

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Hypertension - Treatment lifestyle and pharmacotherapy

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Topic: Treatment

Session type: Moderated ePosters
