Speaker illustration

Mr Gijs Berkelmans

University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht (Netherlands (The))

Treatment decisions based on individual estimated lifetime benefit versus individual estimated 10-year absolute risk reduction: a cost-effectiveness analyses with PCSK9 inhibition.

Event: ESC Congress 2018

Topic: Epidemiology

Session: Best Posters in preventive cardiology


Dealing with missing patient characteristics in clinical practice when using cardiovascular prediction models.

Event: ESC Congress 2018

Topic: Cardiovascular Risk Assessment

Session: Preventive cardiology


Decline over the years in the risk of cardiovascular events in patients with clinical manifest vascular disease is explained by change in cardiovascular risk factors and atherosclerotic burden.

Event: ESC Congress 2016

Topic: Epidemiology, lipids

Session: Lipoproteins and real life: what the randomized clinical trials do not show us
