Speaker illustration

Doctor Robin Verjans

Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht (CARIM), Maastricht (Netherlands (The))

Robin Verjans completed his PhD at Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht (CARIM) in 2018 under the supervision of Prof. Stephane Heymans and Prof. Blanche Schroen. During his PhD, he performed a high-throughput phenotypical screen at the biotech company Cenix BioSciences (Dresden, Germany) to identify miRNAs involved in heart failure-underlying processes, such as cardiac hypertrophy, fibrosis and inflammation. MiRNAs identified as key regulators of these processes were probed as therapeutical targets to prevent or diminish heart failure progression in various animal models. Furthermore, Robin was granted the CARIM postdoctoral talent fellowship in 2017. This enabled him to study the role of miR-125a in cardiomyocyte function at ICGEB, Italy under the supervision of Prof. Mauro Giacca. Currently, he is continuing his postdoctoral career at CARIM to study gender differences in the progression of HFpEF and the involvement of miRNAs within this syndrome.

Cardiomyocyte cell cycle activity and function is under the control of miR-125a

Event: Frontiers in CardioVascular Biology 2018

Topic: Stem Cells, Cell Cycle, Cell Senescence, Cell Death

Session: Basic Science - Cardiac Biology and Physiology
