Speaker illustration

Doctor Afonso Nunes Ferreira

Santa Maria University Hospital CHLN Lisbon Academic Medical Centre, Lisbon (Portugal)

Cardiologist at CHULN - Hospital Santa Maria, Lisbon, Portugal. PhD student on Electrophysiology. Cardiology and Pathophysiology teacher, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon

How can we improve the success of cardiac resynchronization therapy implantation?

Event: ESC Congress 2019

Topic: Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy (CRT)

Session: Optimizing device therapy for arrhythmia


Long-standing persistent atrial fibrillation: what can we achieve with ablation?

Event: ESC Congress 2019

Topic: Catheter Ablation of Arrhythmias

Session: Ablation of persistent atrial fibrillation


Implantable loop recorder: diagnostic utility versus placebo effect

Event: EHRA 2019

Topic: Holter Monitoring

Session: Arrhythmias, General – Diagnostic Methods


Optimizing cardiac resynchronization therapy: when the left ventricular lead is not the answer

Event: EHRA 2019

Topic: Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy (CRT)

Session: Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy


Typical atrial flutter ablation: how can we reduce fluoroscopy?

Event: EHRA 2019

Topic: Clinical

Session: Cathether ablation - Zero fluoroscopy


Atrial fibrillation ablation: the added value of adenosine test in confirming pulmonary vein isolation

Event: ESC Congress 2018

Topic: Treatment, Other

Session: Atrial fibrillation ablation


The clinical impact of intraventricular thrombi

Event: Heart Failure 2018

Topic: Imaging

Session: Chronic Heart Failure – Diagnostic Methods


How to predict thrombi formation in patients with apical aneurysms

Event: Heart Failure 2018

Topic: Ventricular Remodelling

Session: Chronic Heart Failure – Pathophysiology and Mechanisms


NTproBNP in acute heart failure: which values to rely on to estimate long-term prognosis?

Event: Heart Failure 2018

Topic: Biomarkers

Session: Chronic Heart Failure – Diagnostic Methods
