Speaker illustration

Doctor Karla Santo

Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, Sao Paulo (Brazil)

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology

Cardiologist and clinical researcher with a passion and commitment to prevention of cardiovascular diseases in Brazil and worldwide. Having graduated in Medicine at Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro and after 5 years of training and clinical experience in Internal Medicine and Cardiology in Brazil, Dr Santo decided to improve her research skills by pursuing a PhD degree in Australia. After recently completing her PhD in Medicine at The University of Sydney and The George Institute for Global Health in 2018, she is now working as a researcher back in her home country of Brazil at the Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein with a desire to make a meaningful difference to the society and the cardiovascular research community.

ICHealth: Large-scale digital health data on evidence-based cardiovascular medications, hospitalizations and epidemiological characteristics of heart failure patients in Brazil

Event: ESC Congress 2020

Topic: Big Data

Session: e-Cardiology / Digital Health ePosters


Medication reminder apps to improve medication adherence in coronary heart disease patients (MedApp-CHD): a randomised clinical trial

Event: ESC Congress 2018

Topic: Remote Patient Monitoring and Telehealth, Other

Session: Digital health in clinical practice
