Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden (Netherlands (The))
Jos studied Applied Physics at University of Technology in Eindhoven, with specialty in Human Flow Dynamics. He came to Leiden at the end of 1994 to start his PhD study at the department of Radiology. In October 1999, he defended his thesis entitled "Acquisition and analysis of MRA imaging studies; correlation with conventional techniques". He continued to work at the department of Radiology first as Postdoc, Assistant professor and since 2015, Associate professor (positioned in the Cardiovascular imaging group / Gorter center). His main research focus is cardiovascular MRI and quantitative flow imaging.
Jos has received multiple research grants from the Dutch Heart Foundation, ZonMw, ICIN, and Stichting Hartekind. Jos has published 172 journal papers and 8 book chapters (Google Scholar h-index 40).