Speaker illustration

Doctor Kuo-Tzu Sung

Mackay Memorial Hospital, Taipei (Taiwan)

Left ventricular structure and mechanics across hemoglobin spectrum in asymptomatic subjects free of anemia

Event: ESC Congress 2017

Topic: Echo / Doppler, other

Session: Echo for left ventricular function


The associations among serum uric acid level, gout and left atrial remodeling, mechanics and stiffness in symptom-free asians

Event: ESC Congress 2017

Topic: Ventricular evaluation

Session: Echocardiography for right ventricular function


The association among microalbuminemia, left atrial remodeling and subclinical mechanical dysfunction in asymptomatic individuals

Event: ESC Congress 2016

Topic: Echo / Doppler, other

Session: Echo-Doppler - Other
