Speaker illustration

Doctor Clarissa Borguezan Daros

Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospital, Harefield, Uxbridge (United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland)

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology

Graduated in 2007 from the university of the southern tip of Santa Catarina, she completed her specialization in internal medicine, cardiology and echocardiography in 2013. She works as echocardiographer at the hospitals São José and São João Batista in Criciúma-SC. She is a researcher in the area of ​​stress echocardiography.

Left ventricular contractile reserve, coronary flow reserve, and heart rate reserve during dipyridamole stress echocardiography predict survival in non-ischemic heart failure

Event: ESC Congress 2021 - The Digital Experience

Topic: Imaging

Session: Chronic heart failure e-posters


The reduction of coronary flow velocity reserve in heart failure with reduced, mid-range or preserved ejection fraction.

Event: ESC Congress 2019

Topic: Stress Echocardiography

Session: Advances in stress echocardiography in different clinical scenarios
