University Hospital Medical Center Bezanijska Kosa, Belgrade (Serbia)
Member of:
FESC since 2014, Professor of Cardiology at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, (2024).
CEO of The University Hospital Medical Center Bezanijska Kosa since 2014. Founder and president of the Serbian Society for Cardiomagnetic Resonance of the Heart and Large Blood Vessels in Serbia. Secretary of the Cardiology Section of the Serbian Medical Association (2008) and the President of the Association of Coronary Units of Serbia (2021-2023). President of the WGs in the Sebian Society of Cardiologists, Arrhythmias (2017-2019), Hypertension
(2019-2021) and Heart Failure (2023-2025).
Secretary of the WG ESC on coronary microcirculation and coronary pathophysiology (2022-2024) and President Elected 2026-2028.
Graduated at Belgrade University, Faculty of Medicine- Best student in generation; Charite Clinic and DHZB (1993, 2008, 2014, 2017), Pitie-Salpetrier (2007),Leipzig Herzzentrum (2014), Basel Herzklinik (2017), Northwestern Clinic Chicago (2016). PCHC Zurich 2017-2019.
Persistence of autoantibodies directed against the beta-1-adrenoceptor in patients with heart failure after treatment with BC 007 (Rovunaptabin). Results of a phase IIa study.