Speaker illustration

Doctor Andrea Baggiano

Centro Cardiologico Monzino IRCCS, Milan (Italy)

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology
European Society of Cardiology

Since 2017, Dr Baggiano is working as a Cardiologist at Centro Cardiologico Monzino, IRCCS, Milan, Italy. He is an expert in clinical cardiology and cardiovascular imaging (TTE, CCT, CMR). He received EACVI TTE Certification in July 2018, EACVI CMR Level 3 Certification in December 2018 and EACVI CCT Level 3 Certification in May 2019. He was awarded with the 1st place award for Early Career Award, Clinical Oral Abstract at CMR 2018. He was also Finalist at Young Investigator Award Session - Clinical Science at EuroEcho Imaging 2018. Finally, he was awarded with the 2nd place award for Best Moderated E-Case at EuroCMR 2017. He has contributed to more than 120 scientific publications in international peer reviewed journals, seven of which as first or second author. He is affiliated to EACVI and Italian Society of Cardiology. He is also a member of ICoT (Italian Cardiologist of Tomorrow), part of the ESC WG of Cardiologist of Tomorrow.

Hybrid/Fusion imaging - The new frontier in cardiovascular imaging?

Event: ICNC 2019

Topic: Hybrid and Fusion Imaging

Session type: Symposium
