Speaker illustration

Doctor Rebecca Gosling

Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Sheffield (United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland)

Dr Gosling is NIHR clincial lecturer in cardiology based in Sheffield, United Kingdom. Her main academic interest is in computational modelling and its application to cardic imaging techniques. She completed a PhD in 2020 investigating the application of computational modelling to coronary artery stenting. Her current research focus is on modelling global myocardial ischaemia and using novel imaging techniques (in particular cardiac magnetic resonance imaging) to assess and quantify ischaemic burden. She has over 30 peer reviewed publications, with a personal h index of 10. As a clinical cardiologist she is sub-specialising is cardiac imaging (cardiac magnetic resonance imaging, cardiac CT and transthoracic echocardiography) which directly complements her academic work. Out of work she is a mum to two very enegetic boys and enjoys walking, running and spending quality time with family.

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