Speaker illustration

Doctor Trond Roed Pettersen

Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen (Norway)

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology

Trond Røed Pettersen, RN, PhD-candidate and lecturer. In 2004, Pettersen completed his Bachelor of Nursing at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia. In 2011, he completed his master’s degree in clinical nursing (Cardiovascular Nursing) at Bergen University College, Norway. Currently, he is a PhD-candidate at the Department of Heart Disease, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway, where he investigates reasons for and consequences of medication non-adherence in patients after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) in CONCARDPCI, a large-scale prospective multicenter cohort study on patients after PCI. In addition, he is a lecturer in the Master Program in Clinical Nursing (Cardiovascular Nursing), at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Bergen, Norway. Pettersen has been a member of the ACNAP Education Committee and the Board of the Norwegian National Society on Cardiovascular Nursing since 2018.

Promoting integration of patient perspectives in cardiovascular care: tools for nurses and allied health professionals

Event: ACNAP-EuroHeartCare 2022

Topic: Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions

Session type: Symposium


Rapid Fire Oral Abstract Session 1

Event: ACNAP-EuroHeartCare 2022

Topic: Advanced Clinical Practice

Session type: Abstract Sessions
