Speaker illustration

Doctor Ozge Ozden Kayhan

Bahcelievler Memorial Hospital, Istanbul (Türkiye)

Özge Özden is a MM CV Imaging specialist at Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital. She is an EACIVI HIT Community board member for the last 6 years and member of EACVI Education Committee as well. She was also one of the previous EACVI HIT ambassadors of Turkey for CV Imaging. She did her training with EACVI training grant at Bristol Heart Institute under supervision of Dr Chiara Bucciarelli Ducci. She trained Fluoro CT at McGill University in Mont Real under supervision of Dr Nicolo Piazza. She was also at Erlangen University for CCT training under supervision of Dr. Mohamed Marwan. She trained MitraClip guiding at Vivantes Klinikum am Urban in Berlin under supervision of Dr. Hüseyin İnce. She is performing TTE, TOE,3D TOE, strain imaging, interventional echocardiography, CCT and CMRI at her center. She has been doing research on CMR of HCMP and myocarditis groups. She likes singing, playing tennis and drawing cardiac illustrations. She speaks Turkish, German and English fluently.

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Topic: Echocardiography

Session type: Moderated ePosters


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