Speaker illustration

Professor Panagiotis Vardas

University Hospital of Heraklion, Heraklion (Greece)

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology

Panos E. Vardas, Professor Emeritus University of Crete, Greece, had been the Head of the Cardiology Department at Heraklion University Hospital, Crete, Greece from 1990 until his retirement June 2017. Currently, Professor Vardas holds the position of Chairman of Heart Sector of the Hygeia Hospitals Group, Athens, Greece. In Europe, Prof. Vardas was elected to significant scientific positions. He was President of the European Society of Cardiology (2012-2014) and President of the European Heart Rhythm Association (2009-2011). Professor Vardas is the founder of the ESC Office in Brussels (2013) where he serves currently as Chief Strategy Officer of the European Heart Agency / ESC. Prof. Vardas had been awarded the Gold Medal of the ESC in 2014. His research activity (h-Factor 113, 149,950 citations on Google Scholar, 02/09/2024) primarily focuses on the fields of arrhythmias and cardiac electrophysiology, as well as on the socioeconomics and biostatistics of cardiovascular diseases.

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Cardiac arrhythmias and COVID-19

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COVID and digital health

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Digital health and telemedicine in heart failure

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Cardiac arrest in Europe

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Topic: Ventricular Arrhythmias and Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD)

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What can we do today to integrate health and social care using digital technology?

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Topic: m-Health & Mobile Apps

Session type: Roundtable
