Speaker illustration

Professor Gerry McCann

University of Leicester, Leicester (United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland)

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology

Gerry McCann is a NIHR Research Professor, Professor of Cardiac Imaging and Hon. Consultant Cardiologist, at the University of Leicester. He is the cardiovascular theme lead of the NIHR Leicester Cardiovascular Biomedical Research Centre. Prof McCann is a graduate of the University of Glasgow and undertook clinical training there as well as in New Zealand, Leicester, Amsterdam (cardiac MRI training) and was a visiting fellow at Oxford. Gerry directs a very active clinical imaging research programme with funding from the British Heart Foundation, MRC and the National Institute of Health Research. He has an excellent track record in developing trainees at all levels including academic imaging specialists. Gerry has led a very active clinical MRI service in Leicester with imaging colleagues since 2005 and supervises and reports approximately 1000 scans per annum.

Valve Heart Disease 5

Event: EACVI 2023

Topic: Cross-Modality and Multi-Modality Imaging Topics

Session type: Clinical Cases


Basic Course II

Event: EuroCMR 2017

Topic: Cardiac Magnetic Resonance

Session type: Teaching Course
