Speaker illustration

Professor Nuno Bettencourt de Sousa

Faculty of Medicine University of Porto, Porto (Portugal)

Member of:

Nuno Bettencourt, MD, PhD, is a Portuguese Consultant Cardiologist dedicated to the field of cardiovascular imaging and working in cardiovascular CT and Magnetic Resonance. He is Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto and member of the Cardiovascular R&D Unit this Faculty where he is the main responsible for a research line focusing in cardiovascular imaging. He works as consultant cardiologist since 2006, being currently responsible for two different cardiovascular CMR and Cardiac CT programs: “Hospital Lusíadas Porto” and “Grupo Trofa Saúde”. He is Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology, of the American College of Cardiology, of the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance and of the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography. Author of more than 300 scientific communications in scientific meetings and 100 published papers in peer-reviewed indexed journals); (h-index = 25; i10-index = 59)

CMR guiding valvular, CHD and vascular assessment

Event: EuroCMR 2021

Topic: Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR)

Session type: Abstract Sessions


CMR in tropical heart diseases

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Topic: Myocardial Disease

Session type: Clinical Cases


Pros/cons in ischaemic heart diseases

Event: EuroCMR 2019

Topic: Stress Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (CMR)

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Cardiovascular magnetic resonance assessment of structure and function

Event: EuroEcho-Imaging 2017

Topic: Cardiac Magnetic Resonance

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Oral abstract session 1

Event: EuroCMR 2017

Topic: Cardiac Magnetic Resonance

Session type: Abstract Sessions
