Speaker illustration

Doctor Aikaterini Gatsiou

Newcastle University, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne (United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland)

Dr Aikaterini Gatsiou, MSc, PhD, is a RNA biologist and early career researcher of Newcastle University Biosciences Institute. She is also an elected member of the American Heart Association Council on Genomic and Precision Medicine early career committee. Dr Gatsiou completed her basic studies on molecular biology and genetics complemented by a Master degree on Immunology in Greece and pursued her postgraduate studies and training on RNA modifications in Germany before Newcastle University recruits her as a Senior Research Associate at the Faculty of Medical Sciences. Dr Gatsiou focuses on developing novel approaches and tools in order to investigate the biological significance of RNA modifications at a single-nucleotide level that underlie fundamental processes shaping the human pathophysiology and particularly the innate immune responses which drive several diseases, including cardiovascular disease.

MicroRNA editing is integral for interleukin-6 trans-signalling and leukocyte trafficking to ischemic tissues

Event: ESC Congress 2019

Topic: Genetics, Epigenetics, ncRNA

Session: Immune modulation in cardiovascular disease


The RNA editor ADAR2 links inflammation to functional recovery from ischemic diseases

Event: Frontiers in CardioVascular Biology 2018

Topic: Genetics, Epigenetics, ncRNA

Session: Young Investigator Award session - Vascular


Role of endothelial cell adenosine deaminase acting on RNA-2 in ischemic/inflammatory disease in vivo

Event: Frontiers in CardioVascular Biology 2016

Topic: Transcriptional control and RNA species

Session: Transcriptional and epigenetic controls of vascular homeostasis
