Speaker illustration

Doctor Pierre Troisfontaines

Citadelle Regional Hospital, Liege (Belgium)

Cardiologist at the C.H.R. de la Citadelle (Liège) since 2002. Head of the Department of Cardiology at CHR de la Citadelle (Liège) since 04/2020. Head of the Heart Failure Center at CHR de la Citadelle (Liège) since 2005. Member of the Cardiac Rehabilitation Team at CHR de la Citadelle since 2002. Former President of the Belgian Working Group on Heart Failure and Cardiac Function (BWGHF). Member of the Belgian Society of Cardiology. Member of the Heart Failure Association (HFA-ESC). Vice-President of the first Belgian HF patients association, "Mon coeur entre Parenthèses". Member of the Heart Failure Policy Network

Glucose abnormalities and left ventricular dysfunction

Event: ESC Congress 2019

Topic: Diabetes

Session type: Moderated Posters
