Speaker illustration

Doctor Alessandro Giamberti

IRCCS San Donato Polyclinic, San Donato Milanese (Italy)

Alessandro Giamberti is a Cardiac Surgeon dedicated to congenital heart disease. He is Director of Congenital Cardiac Surgery Unit at Policlinico San Donato since 2015. He is Associate Professor in “Pediatric Cardiac Surgery” at Cardiac Surgery School University of Brescia, Italy and at University Vita e Salute San Raffaele Milan, Italy. He is Member of the most important International Scientific Societies including: - European Association of Cardio-thoracic Surgeons - American Association Thoracic Surgery Member of the Nucleus of the Working Group of ACHD of the European Society of Cardiology (2014 – today) He is responsible for international collaborations in Serbija,. Montenegro, Egypt, Tunisia He is author of books, chapters of book and more than 150 indexed publications dedicated to congenital heart disease. He performed more than 5000 operations in congenital heart disease patients.

Aortic valve and aorta

Event: EuroACHD 2023

Topic: Adult Congenital Heart Disease (ACHD)

Session type: Teaching Course


Surgery and intervention in congenital heart disease: moving forward

Event: ESC Congress 2022

Topic: Congenital Heart Disease and Paediatric Cardiology

Session type: Moderated ePosters


Open questions in percutaneous pulmonary valve implantation

Event: ESC Congress 2016

Topic: Grown-up congenital heart disease and surgery

Session type: Case-Based Symposium
