Speaker illustration

Doctor Andres Jose Daniele

Institute of Oncology Angel H. Roffo, Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Dr. Andrès J. Daniele is Head of Cardio-Oncology Department At Roffo Institute, Buenos Aires. Argentina, President of Asociación Cardio-Oncología de la República Argentina and President of International CardioOncology Society - Chapter Argentina. Also, he is Member of Scientific and Research Committe - International CardioOncology and Co Director of IberoLatinoAmerican Cardio-Oncology Collaborative Group. He is Section Editor of CardiOncology Journal and reviewer of European Heart Journal and Archivos de Cardiologìa de Mèxico. He has the Certification in Cardio-Oncology by ICOS.

Use of emgliflozine in cardiotoxicity treatment. EMPACARD-treatment registry. Six-months follow-up

Event: ESC Congress 2022

Topic: Cardio-Oncology

Session: Cardio-oncology 4
