Speaker illustration

Associate Professor Attila Kovacs

Semmelweis University, Budapest (Hungary)

Attila Kovacs has joined the Semmelweis University Heart and Vascular Center in 2009 as a student researcher, and his main field of interest was exercise physiology and cardiovascular imaging from the very beginning. He focused on the implementation of novel echocardiographic techniques (speckle-tracking echocardiography and 3D imaging) in the everyday clinical routine. His PhD degree was completed in 2015 by a thesis concerning the comparison of physiological and pathological LV hypertrophies. Beyond that, he has a strong background in experimental research as well. He is working now as assistant professor and echocardiography core lab leader with a team of medical doctors, sonographers, PhD fellows and student researchers. He is the lead developer of the ReVISION method, an award-winning 3D echo technique for a detailed characterization of RV mechanics. He is an active member and Fellow of the ESC, and he has also served as a Hungarian Young Ambassador of Heart Imagers of Tomorrow.

Improving quality and performance of echocardiography

Event: EuroEcho-Imaging 2024

Topic: Systolic and Diastolic Function

Session type: Abstract Sessions
