Speaker illustration

Doctor Satoshi Yasuda

Tohoku University, Sendai (Japan)

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology

EDUCATION 1987 M.D. Tohoku University School of Medicine 2000 Ph.D. Tohoku University School of Medicine PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2006 – 2007 Assistant Professor and Chief of Coronary Care Unit Tohoku University Hospital Department of Cardiovascular Internal Medicine Sendai, Miyagi, Japan 2007 – 2011 Associate Professor in Cardiovascular Medicine Tohoku University School of Medicine Sendai, Miyagi, Japan 2011 – 2016, Jan Chairman National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center Department of Cardiovascular Medicine Osaka, Japan 2016. Feb – 2020.Jul Deputy Director General National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center Department of Cardiovascular Medicine Osaka, Japan 2020. Aug – present Professor and Chairman Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine Department of Cardiovascular Medicine Sendai, Miyagi, Japan

Antithrombotic monotherapy for stable coronary artery disease and atrial fibrillation patients with and without prior coronary artery revascularization: Insights from the AFIRE trial

Event: ESC Asia 2022 with APSC & AFC

Topic: Treatment

Session: Coronary Artery Disease / Acute Coronary Syndromes


Antithrombotic Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation with Stable Coronary Disease.

Event: ESC Asia with APSC & AFC 2020

Topic: European Society of Cardiology

Session: Latest Trials in Asia


Ethnic differences in the response to anti-thrombotic drugs.

Event: ESC Congress 2020

Topic: Cardiovascular Disease in Special Populations

Session: Ethnic Differences in Cardiovascular Health


AFIRE trial: “less is more” lesson from Japan to the world.

Event: ESC Congress 2020

Topic: Stroke

Session: Racial and Cultural Differences in anti-Thrombotic Therapy between Europe and Asia


The Japanese AMI registry (JAMIR) and JROAD Registries: How to set up a national registry.

Event: ESC Asia with APSC & AFC

Topic: Acute Myocardial Ischaemia

Session: Regional Registries and Trials


Intervention - Asian Perspective.

Event: ESC Asia with APSC & AFC

Topic: Other

Session: Highlights of ESC Congress 2019 - II


AFIRE - Rivaroxaban monotherapy versus combination therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation and stable coronary artery disease

Event: ESC Congress 2019

Topic: Pharmacotherapy

Session: Hot Line Session 3
