Speaker illustration

Doctor Jennifer Mancio

Royal Brompton Hospital Imperial College London, London (United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland)

She is a Cardiologist with proven track records in Cardiovascular Imaging. Graduated in Medicine from the University of Porto (Portugal) in 2007, she passed the Cardiology board exam in 2015. In 2017, received a PhD in Cardiovascular Medicine from the University of Porto. It was a start of a research career that would see her move between different academic institutions, including the University of Oxford and the Harvard Medical School, where she explored how radiomics & machine learning can lead to the discovery of new imaging biomarkers of coronary artery inflammation and myocardial fibrosis. Throughout her career, she published 55 papers in indexed journals and presented 12 oral communications and 19 moderated posters. She received 20 prizes for her clinical and research work, was awarded 3 research grants by FCT and the Portuguese Society of Cardiology. Since 2018, she is an Assistant Professor of Cardiovascular Physiology. Loves cooking, gardening and life in the country side.

Epicardial adipose tissue is linked to impaired left atrial reservoir function and increased the risk of postoperative atrial fibrillation in severe aortic stenosis

Event: EuroEcho-Imaging 2018

Topic: Tissue Doppler, Speckle Tracking and Strain Imaging

Session: Young Investigator Award session - Clinical Science


Epicardial adipose tissue adversely affects cardiac remodelling in severe aortic stenosis

Event: EuroEcho-Imaging 2018

Topic: Systolic and Diastolic Function

Session: Echocardiography: Systolic and Diastolic Function


Regulation of coronary calcification by epicardial adipose tissue: traits in high-risk patients

Event: ESC Congress 2018

Topic: Cardiac Computed Tomography (CT), Other

Session: How vulnerable are my coronary vessels?
