Speaker illustration

Doctor Javier Barallobre-Barreiro

King's College London, London (United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland)

Javier Barallobre-Barreiro is a Molecular Biologist by training and the main focus of his research is the biology of cardiac extracellular matrix. During his PhD (2011, University of A Coruña, Spain), he developed in collaboration with Prof Manuel Mayr’s group (King’s College London) an approach study for the first time cardiac extracellular matrix remodelling using mass spectrometry. Javier joined King’s in 2011 as a Postdoctoral Researcher to continue with the same line of investigation. He improved the available strategies to study the cardiovascular extracellular matrix and investigated the role of extracellular matrix protein fragmentation in cardiac disease. In 2016 he was awarded a Career Establishment Fellowship at King’s, and in 2019 he obtained a British Heart Foundation Intermediate Basic Science Fellowship, focused on the investigation of the roles of extracellular proteases and proteoglycan remodelling using preclinical models of heart failure and clinical samples.

Proteomics to assess myocardial remodelling in human heart failure and explore the effect of medications and comorbidities.

Event: Frontiers in CardioVascular Biomedicine 2022

Topic: Cardiomyopathies

Session: Moderated poster 11 - Cardiomyopathies
