Speaker illustration

Professor Zachary Whinnett

Imperial College London, London (United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland)

Dr Zachary Whinnett is a consultant cardiologist and electrophysiologist who works at the Hammersmith Hospital in London. He specialises in device implantation, extraction and interventional ablation for complex arrhythmia. He is Reader at Imperial College London and director of the Peart Rose Research Unit at the Hammersmith hospital. He leads a research program in implantable cardiac devices. This work includes the development of methods for high precision hemodynamic assessment of pacemaker settings and new pacing techniques. He has published widely in the field of cardiac resynchronisation therapy and conduction system pacing.

Conduction system pacing

Event: EHRA 2023

Topic: Cardiac Resynchronisation Therapy (CRT)

Session type: Symposium


Moderated ePosters - More on pacing

Event: EHRA 2022

Topic: Antibradycardia Pacing

Session type: Moderated Posters
