Speaker illustration

Doctor Fadi JAMAL

CardioParc, Saint Genis Laval (France)

Dr Fadi JAMAL, MD PhD FESC MBA after 6 years of research in cardiac imaging started a private hospital and outpatient practice career in 2004 (Lyon - France). This bedside experience offered a unique observation opportunity of the mutations and challenges of modern Cardiology. In 2016, Dr JAMAL started the IZYCARDIO e-Cardiology global project to improve the access to care and prevention. In 2019, Dr JAMAL founded CardioParc a network of outpatient consultation centers in France; Currently counting 11 centers to address the challenges of access to care and prevention of cardiovascular disease burden

Patient-centred care: digital health interventions and treatment preferences

Event: ESC Congress 2024

Topic: Patient Engagement and Personalised Health

Session type: Moderated ePosters
