Speaker illustration

Doctor Eduard Guasch

Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology
European Heart Rythm Association

Dr. Eduard Guasch is a cardiologist and a translational researcher. He completed Medical School at University of Barcelona, and Cardiology specialization at Hospital Clinic de Barcelona. He was trained in basic research with Dr. Serrano-Mollar at IIBB/CSIC, and later moved to Dr. Stanley Nattel at Montreal Heart Insitute. Since September 2012 combines clinical work as an electrophysiologist and experimental research at Hospital Clinic and IDIBAPS under the "50/50 program". His main research interests involve the study of the mechanisms of cardiovascular deleterious remodeling after very high intensity exercise. He has published seminal insights in an animal model into the association of intense physical activtiy and the development of atrial fibrillation and ventricular arrhythmias. Moreover, he is also interested in the pathology of atrial fibrillation, and the development of novel, non-invasive tools to quantify atrial fibrosis and personalize the antiarrhythmic therapy.

Design and rationale of STEEER-AF, a cluster-randomized trial evaluating an educational intervention to improve the lives of patients with AF

Event: EHRA 2024

Topic: Atrial Fibrillation (AF)

Session: European concepts to improve patient outcomes: 9th AFNET/EHRA conference, AFFECT-EU, and design of STEEER AF


Running away from cardiovascular disease at the right speed: impact of exercise on heart pathologies

Event: Frontiers in CardioVascular Biomedicine 2022

Topic: Ischaemia, Infarction, Cardioprotection

Session: Sport! More sport! Burning questions of sports on cardiovascular system


CATCH-ing health modifiers for recurrent atrial fibrillation.

Event: ESC Congress 2019

Topic: m-Health & Mobile Apps

Session: CATCH ME - Insights into atrial fibrillation


Exercise and atrial fibrillation: a complex relation.

Event: EuroPrevent 2018

Topic: Cardiovascular Rehabilitation

Session: Atrial fibrillation: a novel target in cardiac rehabilitation?


Exercise-induced atrial fibrillation is associated with a pro-inflammatory status


Topic: Mechanisms (Atrial Fibrillation)

Session: Atrial Fibrillation - Mechanisms


Atrial fibrillation in athletes: a marker of exercise overdose?

Event: EuroPrevent 2017

Topic: Sports cardiology

Session: New frontiers in sports cardiology: quantifying risk in master athletes


Run, but not for too long. Endurance exercise and the risk for atrial fibrillation

Event: ESC Congress 2016

Topic: Atrial fibrillation (AF)

Session: Catch me 2016: team approaches to prevent and treat atrial fibrillation
