Speaker illustration

Professor Hugo Katus

University Hospital Heidelberg, Heidelberg (Germany)

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology

Prof. Hugo A Katus is Prof. of Intern. Med. He was until Oct 2020 Dir. of the Dep. of Intern. Med. III and Head of Intern. Med. at the University of Heidelberg in Germany. He was also Head of Cardiology at two affiliated hospitals in the area. Prof. Katus is now emeritus and holds a position as senior prof. at the University and Hospital in Heidelberg. Prof. Katus is co-founder of the Acad. of German Cardiac Soc. and has served as President of German Cardiac Societey. Prof Katus invented the cardiac troponin T assay, for which he held a patent jointly with Roche Diagnostics. This invention changed practice of cardiology. In addition to his research interest in cardiac biomarkers he focused on molecular and genetic causes of cardiomyopathies and promoted in the translation of novel diagnostic and therapeutic strategies in heart failure. He is Co-Founder of Inocard and AaviGen, two start up companies developing gene therepies against heart failure


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Topic: European Society of Cardiology

Session type: Hot Line


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Topic: m-Health & Mobile Apps

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