Speaker illustration

Professor Maria Evsevyeva

Stavropol State Medical Academy, Stavropol (Russian Federation)

Isolated central aortic hypertension and pregnancy complications

Event: ESC Preventive Cardiology 2021

Topic: Pregnancy and Cardiovascular Disease

Session: ePosters


Phenotypes of vascular aging in young people, taking into account the level of blood pressure

Event: ESC Preventive Cardiology 2021

Topic: Diagnostic Methods

Session: ePosters


Vascular stiffness and risk factors in young people depending on body mass index

Event: ESC Preventive Cardiology 2021

Topic: Diagnostic Methods

Session: ePosters


The occupational stress, circadian profile of blood pressure and the syndrome of Eva

Event: EuroPrevent 2018

Topic: Stress, Psychosocial and Cultural Aspects of Heart Disease

Session: Stress, Psycho-Social and Cultural Aspects of Heart Disease


Hemodynamic variants of arterial hypertension/prehypertension in young people based on assessment of the aortic pressure

Event: EuroPrevent 2018

Topic: Hypertension, Other

Session: Hypertension


Evaluation of the central pressure and preventive examinations of student youth

Event: EuroPrevent 2017

Topic: Risk factors and risk prediction

Session: Risk factors: others_Part 3


Lipid metabolism in pregnant women from standpoint of burdened heredity

Event: EuroPrevent 2017

Topic: Risk factors and risk prediction

Session: Risk factors: others_Part 4


Vascular age and body weight of youngers: experience of the University Health Center

Event: EuroPrevent 2017

Topic: Obesity

Session: Diabetes/ Lipids/Obesity/Nutrition_Part 3


Aortic augmentation index and overweight young people into account blood pressure

Event: EuroPrevent 2017

Topic: Obesity

Session: Diabetes/ Lipids/Obesity/Nutrition_Part 3
