Speaker illustration

Doctor Mauro Biffi

S. Orsola-Malpighi Policlinic, Bologna (Italy)

He had a good medical training by great Cardiologists in the Institution where he is until now practicing, and later was able to transfer all his competence to more than a handful of very clever Cardiologists, that he had the honor to nurture since their early medical experience. Meanwhile, he participated into several clinical trials and explored original research projects, as witnessed by > 400 published papers. Has a wonderful wife and two lovely daughters. Supports actively the first Association for Patients treated with CIED (APDIC, www.apdic.it). He is strongly interested in general cardiology and heart failure, though most of his energy is devoted to rhythm disorders in all cardiac disease settings, and to heart failure. He is now Director of Electrophysiology at the Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases at Bologna University Hospital. Loves literature, sports, and music

Lead extraction: planning the procedure and setup. Special considerations in cases with CIED infection.

Event: EHRA Advanced CIED Course

Topic: Device Therapy

Session type: Symposium


Mechanical and laser sheaths

Event: EHRA Advanced CIED Course

Topic: Device Therapy

Session type: Symposium


Starting a Conduction System Pacing programme

Event: EHRA Advanced CIED Course

Topic: Device Therapy

Session type: Symposium


LBBAP implantation: tips and tricks

Event: EHRA Advanced CIED Course

Topic: Device Therapy

Session type: Symposium


Programming of Conduction system pacing (CSP)

Event: EHRA Advanced CIED Course

Topic: Device Therapy

Session type: Symposium


Conduction System Pacing (CSP) electrocardiogram (ECG) interpretation

Event: EHRA Advanced CIED Course

Topic: Device Therapy

Session type: Symposium


Handling complications with Conduction System Pacing (CSP)

Event: EHRA Advanced CIED Course

Topic: Device Therapy

Session type: Symposium


His bundle pacing implantation: tips and tricks

Event: EHRA Advanced CIED Course

Topic: Device Therapy

Session type: Symposium


Subcutaneous implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (S-ICD)

Event: EHRA Advanced CIED Course

Topic: Device Therapy

Session type: Symposium


Device tracings quiz

Event: EHRA Advanced CIED Course

Topic: Device Therapy

Session type: Special Session
