Speaker illustration

Doctor Laila Hopstock

UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Tromso (Norway)

I am a specialist care nurse & a researcher in the field of cardiometabolic health, currently working as a researcher in the Tromsø Study at UiT The Arctic University of Norway and as a registered nurse at the Pandemic Unit, Tromsø municipality. My main research interests are cardiovascular disease and risk factors in populations, including diet, physical activity, obesity and diabetes.

Treatment target achievement after myocardial infarction: cardiovascular risk factors, medication use and lifestyle in Norwegian women and men

Event: EuroHeartCare - ACNAP Congress 2021

Topic: Cardiovascular Rehabilitation

Session: ePosters


Secondary prevention target achievement after myocardial infarction among women and men with and without diabetes: a population-based study

Event: EuroPrevent 2019

Topic: Secondary Prevention

Session: Risk Factors and Prevention - Secondary Prevention


Effect of secondary prevention: low density lipoprotein cholesterol and lipid-lowering drug use after first-ever myocardial infarction, by sex and age

Event: EuroPrevent 2017

Topic: Epidemiology, lipids

Session: Epidemiology/ Public health_Part 1


Effect of secondary prevention care: Total blood cholesterol and lipid-lowering drug use after first-ever myocardial infarction by sex and age. The Tromso Study 1994-2008.

Event: ESC Congress 2016

Topic: Epidemiology, lipids

Session: Are we ever going to get to lipid goals?
