Speaker illustration

Professor Ismail Elalamy

Tenon Hospital UMRS938 Sorbonne University, Paris (France)

Professor Ismaïl Elalamy, M.D. PhD., is a Professor of Haematology and Head of the Haematology Department at Tenon University Hospital, Médecine Sorbonne Université Paris, and current President of the French Society of Angiology. Prof Elalamy has been involved in the field of thrombosis and antithrombotic therapies since 1991, and his research interests include improving therapeutic strategies, identifying new biomarkers and the application of novel diagnostic techniques to the clinic. He was a Post-Doc fellow at the Pasteur Institute, Paris, from 1998-2003, Associate Professor of Haematology at the APHP, Paris, from 1998-2008, and has also been Head of a Research Group on Hemostasis and Thrombosis in Cancer since 2005 which is now associated to INSERM UMR S-938 (Biology and Therapeutics in Cancer). In his current position, Prof Elalamy has established an expert centre for HIT diagnosis and platelet diseases management in Paris, and a research centre for cancer and thrombosis.

Cancer, chronic kidney disease and thrombosis.

Event: ESC Congress 2016

Topic: Thrombosis and coagulation

Session: Thrombosis and coagulation
