Speaker illustration

Doctor Marcelo Fernando Di Carli

Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston (United States of America)

Dr. Marcelo F. Di Carli is the Executive Director of Cardiovascular Imaging and the Seltzer Family Professor of Radiology and Medicine at Harvard Medical School. He is currently the Chair of the Cardiovascular Imaging Council of the American College of Cardiology. He has published over 200 peer-reviewed articles in leading general, cardiovascular, and imaging journals, edited 2 books on multi-modality imaging, and published numerous invited reviews, editorials, and book chapters including Harrison’s Internal Medicine and Braunwald’s Heart Disease textbooks. He is also the editor of a new book entitled Nuclear Cardiology and Multimodality Cardiovascular Imaging- A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease. He is an editorial consultant for over 20 major scientific publications. He leads research programs in ischemic heart disease, microvascular dysfunction, heart failure, molecular imaging, and outcomes research. He receives funding from the National Institutes of Health and Industry.

Molecular cardiovascular imaging: shining damaged heart and vessels

Event: ESC Congress 2022

Topic: Technology and Tracers

Session type: Advances in Science


Lessons from imaging trials in stable coronary artery disease

Event: ICNC 2019

Topic: Cross-Modality and Multi-Modality Imaging Topics

Session type: Symposium
