Speaker illustration

Doctor Luca Botta

S. Orsola-Malpighi Policlinic, Bologna (Italy)

WORK EXPERIENCE: 1) IRCCS AZIENDA OSPEDALIERO-UNIVERSITARA DI BOLOGNA, POLICLINICO S. ORSOLA-MALPIGHI, VIA MASSARENTI 9 – 40138 BOLOGNA. Department of Cardiac surgery – Cardiac Surgery Unit (Chief: Prof. D. Pacini). Staff Member, Cardiac Surgeon (From 01/05/2019 to date) 2) ASST Grande Ospedale Metropolitano NIGUARDA (Niguarda HOSPITAL), P.ZZA DELL’ OSPEDALE MAGGIORE 3 – 20162 MILANO; Cardio-Thoraco-Vascular Department – Cardiac Surgery Unit. Staff Member, Cardiac Surgeon From 15/11/2008 to 01/05/2019 EDUCATION AND TRAINING: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Clinical Pathophisiology and Experimental Medicine - Cardiovascular Area Postgraduate Degree in Cardiac Surgery Mark 70/70 magna cum laude. Graduation in Medicine and Surgery. Mark 110/110 magna cum laude. Special Mention for Curriculum Studiorum. FOREIGN CENTERS’ EXPERIENCE: St. Antonius Hospital, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands. BRISTOL HEART INSTITUTE, BRISTOL ROYAL INFIRMARY, UK MOUNT SINAI HOSPITAL, NEW YORK, USA

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