Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto (United States of America)
Dr. Tea Gegenava graduated from Tbilisi State Medical University (Tbilisi, Georgia). She also received MD degree in cardiology and PhD degree from TSMU. Dr. Tea Gegenava has undergone training in cardiovascular imaging in Europe (Spain, Germany), UK and USA (Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, USA). She is equally involved in clinical and scientific work. Has already done many presentations at international congresses and publications.
In 2017 she was awarded the European Association of Cardiology (ESC) Research Grant and now she is a fellow at Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC)-Leiden, the Netherlands, at the well-known non invasive cardiac imaging department, led by Prof. Jeroen Bax, and is supervised by Dr. Victoria Delgado. With this outstanding professionals she has opportunity to work on most advanced imaging techniques and applications in the field of valvular heart disease, particularly 3D echocardiography, deformation analysis, MDCT 3D technique and cardiac MRI.