Speaker illustration

Professor Paul Kalra

Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth (United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland)

Prof Paul Kalra is a Consultant Cardiologist and heart failure specialist at Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust, UK. He graduated from Cambridge University. Paul served on the British Society for Heart Failure Board from 2009 until 2021 (Chair 2017-2019). During his role as Chair, he was instrumental in raising the awareness of heart failure, culminating in getting heart failure recognised as a national priority . He led the British Society for Heart Failure through a major restructuring, modernisation and rebranding process. He co-founded the United Kingdom Cardiorenal Forum, which will held its 18th annual meeting in 2023. This forum provides educational meetings and brings together clinicians from the two disciplines with a goal of improving holistic patient care. He was chief investigator for the British Heart Foundation funded IRONMAN study (trial of intravenous iron in patients with heart failure),which reported in November 2022.

Pharmacology and pharmacotherapy

Event: Heart Failure 2024

Topic: Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy

Session type: Moderated ePosters
