Speaker illustration

Ms Kamila Urbanczyk

Regional Specialist Hospital, Research and Development Center, Wroclaw (Poland)

Graduated Faculty of Pharmacy at Wroclaw Medical University in 2017. Obtained clinical pharmacy specialty from Queen's University Belfast in 2020. Since 2017 works at the Regional Specialist Hospital in Wroclaw and develops clinical pharmacy services provided to inpatients, focusing on surgical departments and antibiotic stewardship. As an Academic Assistant at the Department of Clinical Pharmacology (Wroclaw Medical University), takes part in undergraduate and postgraduate education of pharmacy students and graduates. Gained experience in the field thanks to different traineeship placements in Slovenia, France, Northern Ireland and Sweden. Co-founder and since 2023 President of the Polish Society of Clinical Pharmacy. In 2023 became a Member of General Committee of the European Society of Clinical Pharmacy. Finalizes PhD on the provision of complex clinical pharmacy services in Polish healthcare setting.

The role of the clinical pharmacist in model care / Rola farmaceuty klinicznego w modelowej opiece

Event: ACNAP Congress 2024

Topic: Public Health and Health Economics

Session: An innovative approach to financing coordinated care models: is the National Health Fund prepared for change?
