Speaker illustration

Doctor Xiaowu Chen

Shanghai (China)

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology

Dr. Chen is a pharmaceutical industry veteran with 30 years experience at drug discovery through careers at UCSF, Gilead Sciences, Stanford University School of Medicine, and Shanghai CureGene Pharmaceutical Co. He has participated in many drug discovery projects, such as first oral anti-influenza drug oseltamivir (Tamiflu), anti-HCV drug voxilaprevir (as part of Vosevi), and anti-HIV drug bictegravir (as part of Biktarvy). Right now, he is working on the development of next generation antiplatelet drug CG-0255, a novel thiol prodrug overcoming all of clopidogrel's clinical shortcomings. It is world's first P2Y12 targeted drug available for both IV and oral administration. CG-0255 is currently in registration trials in US and has the potential to be the best-in-class antiplatelet drug.

Phase I results of both IV and oral administration for CG-0255: a novel fast-acting antiplatelet drug with a new activation pathway

Event: ESC Congress 2024

Topic: Antiplatelet Drugs

Session: Biotherapies in cardiovascular disease: from bench to bedside
